Related Guides and Resources

Before using Antenna Placement, you need to understand the basic concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and of other closely related apps.

Guide Description
Getting Started Describes the key tasks to discover the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
3DEXPERIENCE Platform Describes the key concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, such as the Compass, 6WTags, 3DSearch, and 3DNotification.
3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Describes the user interface and tools common to all native apps. This guide complements 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
Native Apps Preferences Describes how to access and customize the preferences to suit your working habits.
3DEXPERIENCE Simulation Examples Provides examples to teach you how to perform simulation workflows using the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Connector for CST Describes how to combine the power of CST Studio Suite® with the data management and collaboration tools of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
CST Studio Suite Connected Describes how to install a full version of CST Studio Suite® on your computer using the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Performance Trade-off Describes how to use trade-off analysis and collaborative decision support tools to help you select the best option among competing objectives.
Physics Simulation Review Describes how to review a subset of simulation results in lightweight format and share data on dashboards and communities for collaboration and discussion.
Traceable Requirements Management Describes how to define and fulfill requirements through the design, implementation, and testing of products to provide traceability throughout product development.

In addition to the guides listed above, refer to the CST Studio Suite help documentation for detailed information about using CST Studio Suite. In CST Studio Suite, click File > Help > Help Contents to access the help documentation.

For access to sample antennas to import into the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, see Collection of 3DEXPERIENCE Antennas.

If you have a 3DEXPERIENCE ID, you can find additional assistance as follows:

  • The Program Directory includes the latest information about new features and known issues.
  • The Knowledge Base provides question-and-answer articles for a wide range of content. You can search the Knowledge Base for information relevant to your app.