About Design Improvement Studies

Design improvement studies test design variations for potential evolution of an existing design. There are three methods for design improvement studies:

  • Parametric design improvement studies allow you to explore changes in parameters, such as part dimensions, mesh parameters, or load magnitudes.
  • Topology optimization design improvement studies allow you to explore changes in volumetric regions of your design.
  • Shape optimization design improvement studies allow you to refine the surfaces of your design to find the best shape.

This page discusses:

Parametric Design Improvement

A parametric design improvement study references existing content to create the basis for the study. You can reference the following types of content:

  • Product
  • Part
  • Shape optimization
  • Topology optimization
  • Fluid mechanics analysis case
  • Structural analysis case
If the study references a product or part, you can investigate how changes in design variables (such as part dimensions) affect attributes such as the mass or volume. If the study references an analysis case, you can investigate how the analyses affect the design performance. For example, you can observe key mechanical responses such as the maximum stress when the part is subjected to the loads in the structural analysis case. If the study references a shape or topology optimization, you can investigate how the nonparametric changes impact other aspects of the design.

Within a parametric design improvement study, you define design variables to specify the parameters you want to vary and their range of allowable values. Next, you define response variables, which allow you to monitor the result of the design variable changes. You can apply objectives (such as minimize, maximize, or a target value) to a response variable. You can also apply constraints, such as specifying the maximum allowable value for a parameter. Objectives and constraints are used to rank the designs and indicate which designs perform the best.

Topology Optimization Design Improvement

A topology optimization design improvement study references an analysis case that is used to evaluate the performance of the design based on the objectives and constraints you specify. The process effectively removes material from the design space in an attempt to achieve your objective. For example, your objective might be to minimize the mass of a part while respecting your constraints, such as a maximum limit for stress in the part. The final result is an optimum topology that meets all your requirements.

Shape Optimization Design Improvement

A shape optimization design improvement study references an analysis case that is used to evaluate the performance of the design based on the objectives and constraints you specify. The process morphs selected surfaces of the design space in an attempt to achieve your objective while respecting the constraints you specify. The final result is an optimum shape that meets all your requirements.