Creating an ALM Overhang Control

You can create an ALM overhang control to specify the overhang options required in an additive manufacturing process.

See Also
About ALM Overhang Controls
  1. From the Manufacturing Controls section of the action bar, click ALM Overhang Control .
  2. Optional: Enter a descriptive Name.
  3. Select the Design spaces for the overhang control.
  4. Enter the Maximum overhang angle.

    The angle is measured from the vertical plane in the print direction of the additive manufacturing process. (The horizontal plane corresponds to the build tray surface, and the vertical plane rises up from the build tray in the direction that layers are added.)

  5. Select Include preserved regions to indicate that preserved regions must be checked for overhang angles in addition to checking the optimized areas in the design space.
  6. Select a Support plane to indicate design space boundaries that provide support for the additive part build.

    An example of a support plane is the side of the design space next to the build tray for the additive manufacturing process.

  7. Click OK.