Creating a Casting Control

You can create a casting control to limit optimization to shapes that support manufacture by casting.

See Also
About Casting Controls
  1. From the Manufacturing Controls section of the action bar, click Casting Control .
  2. Optional: Enter a descriptive Name.
  3. From the Region type options, select one of the following:
    Design Space Specifies that an entire design space represents a cast feature and is subject to this control.
    Volume Specifies a volume that represents a cast feature.
  4. Select the Support.

    You can select one or more design spaces or volumes, depending on the region type you chose.

  5. From the Type options, select one of the following casting types:
    Single draw Indicates that all features are in one direction (the casting is contained in one section of the mold).
    Split draw Indicates that the mold is split, so the directions of the draft angles and features depend on which half of the mold they are in.
    Auto draw Indicates that the optimal mold split plane is determined by the app.
  6. Select Prevent material removal in preserved regions' shadows to indicate that the optimization cannot remove material in regions that would prevent the part from being cast.
  7. Click OK.