Accessing Run-As User Credentials in the DRM Enabler Class

If you want to use run-as security with your custom DRM system, follow the steps below to access the run-as (operating system) credentials in your Java code.

Run-as security is an optional feature of 3DOrchestrate, as described in About Run-As Security.

  1. Grant privileges to your DRM enabler class by adding a new entry in the following properties file:


    Add a line that includes the fully qualified class name of your custom DRM enabler class, as follows:


    For example:


  2. Get the DRMCommandRunner object from IDRMDataWrapper:

    DRMCommandRunner commandRunner = drmDatawrapper.getCommandRunner();

  3. Use the API shown below to access operating system user credentials in your DRM enabler class.

    Use the method getDRMResourceCredentialForOS to access the credentials.

     * Retrieve the Resource Credential Service associated with the specified job and resource name from OS.
     * This method provides secure access to credentials service for only those classes that are authorized
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * The credential service returned will remain encrypted with the servers public key.
     * <p>
     * This method will return null if the specified resource credential service is not available.
     * @param jobId identifies the job with which the requested credentials should be associated. 
     * @param resourceName identifies the name of protected resource for which to retrieve credentials.
     * @param object identifies the enabler class instance
     * @return the map contains these keys 'user','password' or null in case of exception
       For example:
                byte[] user = credMap.get("user");
                String decryptedUser = new String(user);            
                byte[] password = credMap.get("password");            
                String decryptedPassword = new String(password);
    getDRMResourceCredentialForOS(String jobId, String resourceName, Object instance)
    //To access OS (run-as) user credentials 
    try {
          Map<String, byte[]> credMap = drmDataWrapper.getCommandRunner().getDRMResourceCredentialForOS(drmDataWrapper.getJobID(),this.getClass().getCanonicalName(),this);
          // get individual credentials from the map
          byte[] user = credMap.get("user");
          String decryptedUser = new String(user);
          byte[] password = credMap.get("password");
          String decryptedPasswrod = new String(password);
        } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}