Advanced Settings for Masking the Station Proxy URL

You can configure a public (regular) station behind the reverse proxy server to mask the station proxy URL and ports. This configuration lets you use an identifier instead of the actual hostname and port number. These settings are optional.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

When the client web app (browser) communicates with this station normally, the HTTPS URL seen by the end-user contains the actual hostname (IP address) of the station and the port number where the Results Analytics servant and file monitoring service are listening. With the configurations described here, you can define an identifier to mask the actual hostname/IP and port by using the station properties fiper.station.exposedname and fiper.station.exposedports.

Based on the values you set in these properties, the station constructs a proxified URL, which is then communicated to the client app browser. The client uses this proxified URL to make requests for the station services (Results Analytics data and file monitoring).

If you do not set fiper.station.exposedname to an identifier, the internal station name or IP address is used in the proxified URL. The default value of fiper.station.exposedports is "8080-8085" which are the defaults used by the Results Analytics servant. The file monitoring service uses ports 1010-1015 by default.

A ProxyPassMatch rule directive is required to map the traffic between client web apps and the public station.

You can choose any of three configurations described below, depending on the level of abstraction desired for the proxy URL and ports.

See Also
Reverse Proxy Configuration for 3DOrchestrate
Station Properties File and Startup Command-Line Options