Prerequisite Steps for Running a Public (Regular) Station as a Service

Review several aspects of the environment before configuring a public (regular) station as a service.

Before you begin:
  • A 3DOrchestrate EED Server running the current release must be configured and running on your network.
  • Take note of the 3DOrchestrate EED Server key information, including its hostname (with the fully qualified name preferred), protocol, and ports.
  • On a separate computer host configured with a supported Windows environment, proceed with a clean installation of a 3DOrchestrate EER Station with Adapters. For an overview of the installation and the specific details of the Windows environment, see 3DOrchestrate Installation and Administration.
  1. Open a Windows command prompt, and change the directory to the 3DOrchestrate home directory. For example:

    C:\> cd /d C:\DassaultSystems\release_num\3DOrchestrate\win_b64

  2. Unset the SH_DEBUG environment variable, if necessary.

    The SH_DEBUG environment variable enables the Dassault Systèmes support team to collect extra debugging information when running station-related commands. However, it should not be defined unless the support team specifically requests it, and it can interfere with normal operation of 3DOrchestrate applications.


    Issue the following command to check if SH_DEBUG is defined:

    set SH

    If the command prompt returns a value, issue the following command to unset it:

    set SH_DEBUG=

    If the command prompt returns the message Environment variable SH not defined, the environment variable has not been predefined and you can proceed to the next step.

  3. Issue the following command to check whether any environment variables starting with the prefix SMAEXE_ are defined on your system:

    set SMAEXE

    In particular, the SMAEXE_JVMPARMS and SMAEXE_TEMPenvironment variables can have an impact on the configuration process for a station running as a service. These variables are not taken into account properly when the station running as a Windows service is up.

    The command prompt lists the values of all defined SMAEXE_ output variables, so that you can review their settings and assess whether they will be needed during operation of the station running as a service.
  4. Review the state of the Java environment variables.

    You should check whether the following Java environment variables are predefined on your system:

    All three can impact the operations of any Java virtual machine running on the Windows host. They can have an impact during the configuration process for setting up a station as a service, and they might not be taken into account when the station operates as a Windows service.

  5. Check the connection with the 3DOrchestrate server:
    1. Start a public 3DOrchestrate station to ensure it can connect to the desired server by issuing this command:


      The Logon Station dialog box appears.
    2. Select a Connection profile.

      If no suitable connection profile exists, you can create a new one. Click , specify the protocol, host name, and port, and click Save twice.

    3. Enter your User ID and Password, and click OK.
      The main EER station dialog box appears.
    4. Review the Station Log to check the set of working directories used by the station, particularly the location of the Station temporary directory. In addition, the final line of the log includes the informational line Station started if the station started successfully.
    5. Shut down the station.
  6. Select a Windows account to run the service.

    Note: The Windows account you select for running the station as a service is different than the default fiperstation account used to connect to the 3DOrchestrate server.
    The following accounts are available:

    LocalService A local account that Microsoft recommends for running any kind of application service that does not require access to network resources. This account does not require a password and has minimal privileges on the workstation. Its temporary files and folders are stored in this directory:
    NetworkService An alternate account for running any kind of application service locally that could access "public" network resources; that is, resources that are accessible to everyone or to any authenticated users. It requires a password, has minimal privileges on the local workstation, and may access public network resources (depending on the organization policy). Its temporary files and folders are located under:
    LocalSystem A local account that is available for use but discouraged by Microsoft. It does not require a password, has maximum privileges on the local workstation, and may access public network resources (depending on the organization policy). Its temporary files and folders are located under:
    <Dedicated domain account> A new, dedicated account for running an application like a station as a service. Using a dedicated account for a station as a service is good practice because it enables the organization to grant access to any network resources selectively. The dedicated domain account requires a password, can have custom privileges on the local workstation, and can access specific network resources (based on regular permissions). Its temporary files and folders are located under:
    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\(NUMBER ?)
  7. Check the privileges of the selected Windows account:
    1. Select [Start menu] > Run.
    2. Enter secpol.msc, and click OK.
      The Local Security Policy dialog box appears.
    3. From the tree, expand Local Policies and click User Rights Agreement.
    4. Double-click Log on as a service.
    5. In the Log on as a service Properties dialog box that appears, confirm that the account's local security setting contains the group NT SERVICE\ALL SERVICES and click OK to close the dialog box.
    6. Double-click Replace a process level token.
    7. In the Replace a process level token Properties dialog box that appears, confirm that the account's local security setting contains the accounts LOCAL SERVICE and NETWORK SERVICE. Click OK to close the dialog box.
    8. For dedicated domain accounts, click Add User or Group.

      • Click Add User or Group.

        The Select Users, Computers, Services Accounts, or Groups dialog box appears.

      • Enter the simple login ID of the account, and click Check Names. Select the name of the account, and click OK.