About Simulation Attributes

A simulation attribute is a variable that describes a simulation object, such as a simulation process or simulation activity. For example, an attribute could be a string specifying a part number or a float specifying a material property.

You can create and delete simulation attributes with the Leader Role; however, anyone can assign attributes to a simulation process or simulation activity.

Attributes can be of the following types:

Type Description
String One or more characters. The characters can be numbers or letters. A string can be either of the following subtypes:
  • Single line: The data entry field consists of a single line, and the text scrolls to the left as the user types.
  • Multiline: The values consist of multiple lines of text. The field is scrollable, and the text wraps to the next line as the user types.
Boolean TRUE or FALSE.
Integer A whole number. The range of values depends on the local system architecture.
Real A real number expressed with a decimal point (for example, 5.4321). The range of values depends on the local system architecture.
Timestamp The date and time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm format; for example, 03/24/2008 10:05:00 pm (or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm, depending on locale). You can also enter the date as an integer representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970. (The date format displayed depends on a user setting.)
Object A reference to an object in the database, such as a part of a document.

In addition, when you create an attribute, you must specify the following:

  • The title and the type of the attribute.
  • Whether the attribute is defined by a single value or by a set of multiple values.
  • Whether the attribute is mandatory; that is, its value must be supplied by the user.
  • Whether the attribute will be exported to or imported from the attribute XML files in the working directory during execution.

You can add an attribute to an attribute group. The attribute will then be included in each instance of the attribute group that is assigned to a simulation process, activity, experience, or document.

A parameter can refer to an attribute. For example, the parameter expression density = ${ATTRIBUTE[materialDensity]} refers to an attribute called materialDensity.

Note: To ensure custom simulation attributes are translated, you must add or update the emxFrameworkStringResource_language.properties page object (For example, emxFrameworkStringResource_ja.properties for Japanese) with ‘Simulation Attribute’ NLS information. For Attribute information you can view the emxFrameworkStringResource_en.properties page object available in the data base.