Conducting Baffles

A conducting baffle models simple heat flow across a thin wall between two fluid regions.

You can describe heat flow across a conducting baffle in two ways: you can specify the presence of a heat source within the baffle, and you can describe a temperature jump across the conducting baffle interface.

If the energy solver is deactivated, the conducting baffle behaves like a baffle with adiabatic no-slip walls on both sides. If the original surfaces used to define the conducting baffle interface are walls of a different type, such as slip walls, those attributes are preserved.

Defining a heat source inside the conducting baffle enables you to simulate situations like a printed circuit board with components that generate heat due to Joule heating. If you specify a heat flux from the heat source, the app applies uniform heating in the outward direction from the sides of the conducting baffle. If you specify the heat source using a heat generation rate, the app converts the value to a uniform heat flux over both sides of the baffle. In the latter case, the app also takes into account the area of the set of the contacted faces.

The app computes the radiant heat flux across the interface by using an emissivity value. If surface-to-surface radiation is active in the fluid physics of your simulation, emissivity is inherited from the parent boundary types if they participate in the radiation. If emissivity is not specified for these parent boundary types, the app assigns an emissivity of 1.

You can account for a temperature jump across the conducting baffle interface by defining the thermal resistance.