When you enable multispecies flow, the app solves the momentum, mass, and energy conservation equations as it does in most other simulations. In addition, it solves a transport equation that governs the evolution of the mass fraction, , of each of the species involved in the simulation. The transport equation takes the following form: where is the boundary of the integration domain, and is the normal vector to the boundary of the integration domain.
Mass conservation dictates that the app has to solve only species equations because . In this formulation the app assumes that Fick's law holds; therefore, it is not required to solve for the diffusion velocities. Active MultispeciesWhen you enable active multispecies, the app computes the fluid properties using each species involved in the simulation. In this case, the overall fluid properties are the combined properties of the mixture, and all the species involved in the simulation affect the evolution of momentum and energy. As a result, the fluid materials you include in an active multispecies simulation must have all of the following material properties defined:
Passive MultispeciesWhen you enable passive multispecies, the app calculates mass, momentum, and energy using the fluid properties of the background fluid only. The app includes the flow of other species in the simulation but disregards them for calculations of these quantities. This simplification is known as the passive scalar approach, and it is valid in dilute mixtures when the changes in the fluid mixture are negligible. A negligible quantity in this context means that the concentration of one component overwhelms the concentration of the rest of the mixture. In this approach, you must specify all of the following material properties for all the species in the simulation: