Specify Solar Radiation Values Directly
- From the Solar values options, select Specified.
- Specify the Direct irradiance, which is the solar radiation that comes directly from the sun and makes it through the atmosphere unscattered to the model in a straight line.
- Specify the Indirect irradiance, also known as the "diffuse" irradiance, which is the solar radiation that is scattered by the atmosphere and hits the geometry from different angles.
Specify the
Axis system definition that describes the
sun's location for the simulation by selecting one of the following:
Option Description Global Specify the sun's location using an axis in the global coordinate system. Local Specify the sun's location using an axis in a local coordinate system, then select the axis system from the 3D area. - From the Sun direction options, specify X Axis, Y Axis, or Z Axis as the direction of solar radiation in the selected axis system.
- Optional:
From the
Ground effect options, select
Specified to simulate that some solar
radiation is reflected back from the ground. When you enable ground effects,
you can also adjust any of the following options as well.
Option Description Ground reflectivity Measurement of how much solar radiation the ground reflects. Fully reflective is 1, fully absorbant is 0. Ground height Distance from the ground to the origin (0, 0, 0) along the "up" axis for the simulation. Ground plane Location of the ground plane, which can be in the X-Y plane, X-Z plane, or Y-Z plane. - Specify the Spectral fraction, which determines the fraction of the overall energy coming from the sun that is in the visible band. A value of 1 means all of the energy is in the visible band, and a value of 0 means all of the energy is in the IR band.
- Optional:
Expand the
Clustering parameters to adjust values that
determine the computational cells for solar radiation. You might want to adjust
these parameters to reduce the computational cost of the simulation by merging
Describe the method for describing the cluster size from the
Cluster size specification options as
Option Description Faces per cluster Specify cluster size in terms of faces in each cluster, then specify the number of faces in the Faces per cluster field that appears. Cluster length limit Specify cluster size by specifying a maximum cluster length, then specify the length in the Cluster length limit field that appears. - Adjust the Number of rays per cluster. For example, if your overall surface has 100 cells, a cluster size of 4 should yield 25 clusters.
Adjust the
Cluster angle limit, a value that
enables you to keep the clusters from deviating too far from a planar
orientation, which in turn can help you avoid having solar radiation in areas
where it should not be. You can also specify a negative value for the cluster
angle limit to define the limit on the other side of the orientation plane.
For example, consider a box where one side is in direct sunlight but an adjacent side should receive no sunlight. If the clusters are allowed to form around the 90º angle of the box edge, the adjacent side of the box will receive some solar radiation. Reducing the cluster angle enables you to restrict solar radiation to your preferred locations.
Describe the method for describing the cluster size from the
Cluster size specification options as