Defining Motion for a Moving Wall

You can specify the speed and direction of a moving wall by defining its movement vector manually, or you can tie its movement to the mesh motion of the simulation.

See Also
Defining a Wall
Defining the Fluid Physics of a Flow Simulation
  1. From the Wall dialog box, select a Moving Wall.
  2. From the Velocity options, select one of the following:
    Specify Defines the three components of the wall's movement vector manually.
    Auto-compute from mesh motion Defines the movement of the wall based on the mesh motion of the simulation.
  3. If you want to specify the velocity manually, do the following:
    1. Specify the three components of wall velocity: Velocity (X), Velocity (Y), and Velocity (Z).

      You can define velocity using a uniform value or a JavaScript user subroutine. You can also click to specify a scale factor and amplitude for each component of the velocity vector.

    2. Select the Axis system definition options to specify the orientation of the wall's movement:

      Global Aligns the movement with the global coordinate system.
      Local Aligns the movement with a local coordinate system, then select the local coordinate system from the 3D area.
      Specify Aligns the movement directly by right-clicking the feature triad glyph on the model and selecting an orientation tool.

  4. Click OK.