Defining Particle Controls

You can define controls to fine-tune the behavior of Lagrangian particles in a steady-state or transient flow step.

Important: These controls are intended for expert users.

Before you begin:
See Also
About Lagrangian Particle Physics
  1. From the Momentum coupling scheme options, select one of the following:
    One way Specifies that the flow field has an effect on particle momentum, but the particles have no effect on the fluid.
    Two way Specifies that the flow field has an effect on particle momentum, and the particles apply an equal and opposite force on the flow. Two-way momentum coupling is necessary only when particles are massive enough to have a significant effect on the flow.
  2. From the Energy coupling scheme options, select one of the following:
    One way Specifies that heat flows from the fluid to the particles, but the fluid energy is not affected by the particles.
    Two way Specifies that heat flows from the fluid to the particles and vice versa. Two-way energy coupling is necessary only when particles have a large enough heat capacity to have a significant effect on the flow energy.
  3. For steady-state flow steps, enter a value for the Post steady-state particle time, which is the amount of time the particles are tracked in a new step after the flow converges.
  4. Optional: For transient flow steps, simulate interactions between particles by doing the following:
    1. Select Enable particle-particle interactions.
    2. Enter a value for the Normal coefficient of restitution, which is the ratio of the velocity before the particles collide to the velocity after the particles collide.

      A coefficient of 1 describes a completely elastic collision.