Material Behaviors

Material behaviors allow you to define collections of material options that will be active in different simulations. You can define all of the potential options in a Simulation domain and then create multiple simulation behaviors for different combinations of options that should be active in a simulation. When you perform a simulation, the material option combination defined by the behavior selected in the Section Property definition is used.

Certain combinations of material options are not allowed in a simulation, so material behaviors can also be used to manage conflicting options within a Simulation domain.

See Also
Material Options
Defining Material Behaviors

By default, every material option you define in a Simulation domain is accounted for during a simulation. However, certain material options may not be applicable to a specific simulation, or they may add additional complexity to a material that is not important or interesting for a specific simulation. In addition, some material options cannot be used simultaneously during a simulation, as described below.

Material behaviors allow you to specify combinations of material options by activating or deactivating the available options. Each behavior can have different combinations of active and inactive options. You can define as many behaviors as there are viable option combinations.

Important: The following rules must be respected when creating a simulation material behavior:
  • Each behavior must have at least one active option.
  • Elastic and Hyperelastic material models cannot be active in the same behavior.
  • Activating the Viscoelastic material model in a behavior also requires the activation of either the Elastic or Hyperelastic material model in the same behavior.
  • Activating the Plastic material model in a behavior also requires the activation of either the Elastic or Hyperelastic material model in the same behavior.
  • Activating Fail Stress or Fail Strain in a behavior also requires the activation of the Elastic material model.
  • Activating the EOS behavior also requires entry of a material Density.
  • Activating the Bulk Modulus behavior also requires entry of a material Density.
  • Activating the Volumetric Drag behavior also requires entry of a material Bulk Modulus.
  • Hyperelastic with the Marlow strain energy potential requires uniaxial test data.
  • Brittle Cracking requires definition of both Brittle Shear and Elastic behavior of type Isotropic