Importing Abaqus Substructures

You can import a finite element model representation from an Abaqus substructure file (.sim), or a Simpack flexible body input file (.fbi)

You can import a FEM representation from an Abaqus substructure file that contains a combination of simulation and supplemental data. The substructure is created as a single element joining all the included nodes. The imported substructure is displayed as a spider element (a set of lines connecting all the outer nodes to the element centroid).

See Also
Abaqus Import and Export
  1. From the top bar, select Add > Import.
    The Import dialog box appears.
  2. From the Format options, select Substructures (*.sim) to import data that has been generated with Abaqus, or Substructures (*.fbi) if the data has been generated by Simpack.
  3. Select and navigate to the file that you want to import.

The substructure is imported as a mesh part feature consisting of a single substructure element with one or more groups of nodes. A substructure property is also created.

You can select nodes from the substructure to create orphan node groups. You can also create features that use these node groups; for example, ties, connectors, point forces, and clamps.

Notes: If you use the substructure as a component in a larger assembly, you must create an assembly of meshes and connect the substructure to the other mesh components.

If you import a Simpack flexible body input file (.fbi) with data generated by a 3rd party FE solver, the content is first converted into an Abaqus substructure file and then integrated into the product structure.