From the top bar, select .
The Export FEM dialog box appears.
The Save As dialog box appears.
Browse to the location where you want to save the input file.
The folder name cannot contain Unicode characters, such as accents and other
diacritical marks.
Enter a name in the File name field, or select an existing file
to overwrite that file.
Change the Save as type to include the proper file
You can also type the extension as part of the File
Select Save.
The Export FEM dialog box displays the selected path and
file name.
- Optional:
Toggle on Create a log file, select
, and select a
location to save a log file of the export operation.
The log file is saved using the same name as the export file and a
.log extension. The file contains information about the exported
mesh data. The log file might be empty if no potential issues occur during
export, or it might contain warnings and errors from the export process.
Choose a Structural or Fluid element
This selection changes the mesh element types exported to support appropriate use in
an Abaqus input file.
Click Export.
The Export FEM dialog box is closed, the meshes are
exported into the selected file, and the report is displayed.
- Optional:
In the Export Report dialog box, expand the
Execution section to details of the export operation.
If desired, click Save to save a copy of the report.
All element types available in the Mesh Creation
app are