Monitoring a Simulation Job

You can use the Simulation Job Monitor app to monitor the progress of a simulation job and to determine that the simulation job completed as expected. You can monitor the progression of parameter values, or you can view a log of the status messages issued by the job.

This task shows you how to:

View the Properties

  1. Select the simulation job that you want to monitor from the list of simulation jobs.
  2. Click Properties to view the properties of the simulation job.

    You cannot edit the properties from Simulation Job Monitor.

View the Job Logs

Monitoring the job logs allows you to view status and error messages and determine if the simulation job is proceeding as expected.

  1. Select the simulation job that you want to monitor from the list of simulation jobs.
  2. Click Log to see the status messages issued by the job associated with the selected simulation process.

    displays a detailed log showing the progress of the simulation process. To help you monitor the progress of a job that is executing or to debug a job that is complete, you can filter the messages displayed in the job log. You can filter the messages based on a combination of the following:

    • The severity of the status message. For example, you can display only errors and/or warnings.
    • The 3DOrchestrate Station on which the job was run.
    • The execution path (simulation process, activity, and step).
    • Text that appears in any of the columns. For example, you can display only log messages with a specified Run ID or with specified text in the Message column.

    The level of detail in the log is controlled by the Log Level specified in the execution options.

  3. Additional tools on the Log page allow you to do the following:
    Export the entire job log to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. All of the columns are exported to the file, regardless of any columns you selected not to display. You can also right-click on the job log and copy the text to the clipboard.

    Select the columns to display.

    Subscribe to an event that will alert you when the job log is modified.

Monitor Parameter History

Monitoring the parameter values allows you to determine if the simulation job is proceeding as expected during a complex or long-running simulation process.

  1. Select the simulation job that you want to monitor from the list of simulation jobs.

    Note: Parameter values are available while the simulation job is running and after the simulation job has finished executing.

  2. From the Details panel, click Parameter History to monitor the progression of parameter values while the simulation job is executing.
  3. Select the simulation activity.
    Simulation Job Monitor displays the parameters associated with only the selected simulation activity.
  4. From the toolbar on the parameters page, you can select the following:

    Display parameter values for only the designs that show an improvement. This option is available only for a Process Composer simulation activity that uses the Optimization adapter.

    A design is considered an improvement only if it satisfies all constraints and is better than the previous best (feasible or infeasible) design.

    Filter the displayed parameters. You can do the following:
    • Select a parameter from the table that appears.
    • Choose the Mode of the parameters to select. For example, you can choose to select only the parameters that were defined as Inputs to and/or Outputs from the simulation activity. You can also select all of the parameters or clear all your parameter selections.
    Export selected columns of the parameter table to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
    Refresh the display.