About Mapped Data

Mapping allows you to define spatially varying parameter values from an external set of data. For example, you can specify an initial temperature condition that has different temperature values at different points on the model.

See Also
Applying Prescribed Temperatures
Applying Pressures
Applying Film Conditions
Mapping Data File Formats
Mapping Search Controls

Mapped data is used to provide the values of selected initial conditions, loads, properties, etc., at different points in space. For example, you can define a spatially varying shell thickness or initial temperature condition by providing the thickness or temperature values at different coordinates on the model. Parameter values can be read in from a point cloud data file generated by a third-party CAE application or from the results of a previous simulation.

Mapping lets you import discrete and discontinuous parameter data and to apply them to your simulation model. The values are applied to the current model, mapping the input X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates to locations in the model. The source data is mapped onto the target model and computes the distributed parameter values to be used during the analysis. The parameter values are also referred to as field values or field data; for example, temperature values at different points on a surface.

When you apply your mapped data, you can assign a local coordinate system to simplify the three-dimensional definition of points in spaceā€”the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates are interpreted in the local coordinate system.

Only scalar data values can be used in mapped parameters. Each data value is mapped from the source to the target region as a scalar value. The mapping algorithm is purely geometric, with no physical considerations such as conservative mapping.

The geometry supports for a mapped feature can be part of an assembled mesh (an assembly of component FEM representations). The mesh entities of the geometry supports can be contained in different child FEM representations.