Applying Gravity

You can define gravity to apply a linear force that acts either uniformly on all bodies in a model or only on individual bodies that you specify.

Multiple gravity loads can be defined in a .

See Also
About Gravity
Creating Tabular Amplitudes
In Other Guides
Feature Manager
  1. From the Loads section of the action bar, click Gravity .
  2. Optional: Change the name of the gravity load.
  3. Optional: Select the geometry supports in the model to which you want to apply gravity.

    Gravity can be applied to the whole model or to individual bodies.

  4. Optional: Change the orientation of the gravity load.

    You can specify a new orientation by selecting options from the context toolbar or by right-clicking the gravity load's glyph and selecting one of the positioning tools that appear.

  5. Optional: Modify the magnitude of the gravity load in the X-, Y-, and Z-directions.

    The directions are defined in relation to the orientation defined in the previous step.

  6. Optional: From the Axis system definition list, define the axis system in which gravity acts.
    Global Align the local feature triad with the global coordinate system.
    Local Align the local feature triad with a selected axis system in the model.
    Specify Orient the local feature triad directly by right-clicking the feature triad glyph on the model and selecting an orientation tool.
  7. Optional: Enter a Scale factor that is applied to the magnitude in each step.
  8. Select an Amplitude that defines the magnitude during the step.
  9. Click OK.