Applying Bolt Torques

Instead of applying a direct axial force load, you can specify the torque loading on a virtual bolt.

Before you begin: To apply loads on virtual bolts, the bolt definition must include the Allow preload option.
See Also
About Bolt Torques
Creating Tabular Amplitudes
In Other Guides
Support Selection
Feature Manager
Defining Meshed Bolt Sections
  1. From the Loads section of the action bar, click Bolt Torque .
  2. Optional: Enter a descriptive Name.
  3. Select the support in the model.

    You can apply a bolt torque to either a virtual bolt connection or a meshed bolt section.

  4. Enter the Torque value.
  5. Enter the Torque coefficient.
  6. Optional: Enter a Scale factor that is applied to the magnitude in each step.
  7. Optional: Select an Amplitude that defines the magnitude during the step.
  8. Click OK.