Applying Translations

You can use an applied translation to prescribe motion in a single direction by a specified distance.

See Also
About Applied Translations
Creating Simulation Features
Support Selection
Feature Positioning Tools
Feature Manager
  1. From the Loads section of the action bar, click Applied Translation .
  2. Select the geometry supports in the model. You can select one or more faces.

    Tip: Change the Selection method to select from a list of publications, connections, or FEM features, including virtual contact interactions.

  3. Optional: Enter a descriptive Name.
  4. Select the geometry supports in the model.

    A translation can be applied to one or more points, edges, or faces.

    You can apply the translation to a secondary base by selecting Sim feature as the type of support, then selecting the appropriate displacement restraint from the window that appears.

  5. Enter the Translation distance.
  6. Choose whether the Orthogonal translations are Free or Fixed.

    If you choose Fixed, no movement is allowed in the directions orthogonal to the direction of the translation. This effectively creates restraints on the orthogonal directions. For example, if the direction of translation is the global Y-axis direction, no movement is allowed in the global X- or Z-direction.

  7. To change the direction of the applied translation, right-click its glyph and select one of the positioning tools.
  8. Click OK.