About Drivers

A driver uses functions to specify the motion of specific mechanism elements through time.

To create a driver on a joint, use a joint with degrees of freedom. You can control the motion of each degree of freedom by associating it to a function.

Important: To associate a degree of freedom to a function, the physical quantities of the function must correspond to physical quantities valid for the driven degree of freedom of the joint.

For example, to drive the degree of freedom of a revolute joint, use a function defined by an angle and an angular velocity.

To determine the relative position of a joint driver, you can use one of the following options:

  • Initial assembly position: measures the distance or angle in the driven direction and according to the initial position of the assembly.
  • Joint absolute position: measures the distance or angle in the driven direction and according to the absolute position of the joint.

A joint driver is defined by a constant velocity (linear or angular). Depending on the selected joint, each state corresponds to the value of the corresponding degree of freedom.

Joint Type First State Second State
Revolute Angular velocity /
Prismatic Linear Velocity /
Cylindrical Angular Velocity Linear Velocity