About Initial State Solve

You can update a mechanism according to the initial conditions and values of the mechanism elements.

See Also
Solving the Initial State of Mechanisms
About Mechanism Solve

You need to solve the mechanism after you:

  • Create a new body or joint.
  • Delete an existing body or joint.
  • Convert an automatic joint into a manual joint.

You can update the position and velocity of the bodies and joints of a mechanism by taking into account the initial conditions of the mechanism elements, such as initial joint values, element conditions, or absolute driver values.

During the initial state solve, the mechanism is updated according to the initial conditions of its elements. Following the initial state solve, the app automatically performs a mechanism solve to update the position of the bodies and joints included in the mechanism.

For example, you can modify an automatic revolute joint to use it as a manual revolute joint with an initial value of 30°. In this case, the initial state solve lets you update the position of the bodies according to the initial value of the revolute joint. For more information, see .