About the Kinematics Player

You can preview the kinematic motion of a mechanism by controlling one or several of its degrees of freedom.

See Also
Previewing the Motion of Mechanisms

Before computing a kinematics or dynamics simulation, you can preview the motion of the mechanism to validate its behavior. Use the Kinematics Player to select the degrees of freedom or commands to animate and to move separately.

You can filter the list of degrees of freedom to focus only on the animation of the mechanism commands.

For each selected degree of freedom or command, a corresponding slider is displayed in the dialog box. You can move the slider to visualize the complete range of motion of the degree of freedom or command. The slider starts with the minimum value specified for the command, and ends with the maximum value of the command.

Note: To modify the minimum, maximum, and nominal values of a command, edit the associated joint. If no minimum or maximum value is specified for a command constraint, the following default values are applied for a normal design range:
Constraint Type Minimum Default Value Maximum Default Value
Angle -360° 360°
Offset -100 100

If the maximum value of a degree of freedom or command cannot be reached, a warning message appears.

You can lock one or several commands to visualize a partial motion of the mechanism in specific situations. In this case, only the unlocked commands can move.

If you reset one command or all commands, the corresponding sliders move back to the nominal value of the degree of freedom or command.

The nominal position of the product and of its mechanism is restored after you close the dialog box.