You can use the anisotropic hyperelastic material model with large-strain time-domain viscoelasticity. However, because the viscoelastic response is always isotropic, meaning that the relaxation function is independent of loading directions, and that behavior might not be realistic. The anisotropic hyperelastic material model can also model energy dissipation and stress softening if you specify the Mullins effect. If you use anisotropic hyperelastic materials in your simulation, enable geometric nonlinearity for the simulation as well. Overview of Strain Energy PotentialsSimilar to isotropic hyperelastic behavior, the anisotopic hyperelastic behavior is described in terms of a "strain energy potential," , that defines the strain energy stored in the material per unit of reference volume (volume in the initial configuration). Broadly, the strain energy potentials can be functions of strain measures directly or of invariants of strain measures. In addition, potentials that are functions of strain invariants can be made to depend on local fiber directions in the material to account for example, fibers embedded in a matrix.
Generalized Fung formThe generalized Fung strain energy per unit reference volume of the material is composed of two contributions: a contribution in terms of modified Green strain, a distortional strain measure and a contribution in terms of volumetric strain. The actual form is: Here, where is a symmetric rank 4 tensor of material constants with components . In the orthotropic case, 9 of these constants have to be specified while the number of constants is 21 for the anisotropic case. The modified Green strain is defined as , where . Here, is the right Cauchy-Green tensor; is the total volume ratio; is the deformation gradient; is the elastic volume ratio with the thermal effects to volume change excluded; are thermal strains in the principal directions ; and are phenomenological material constants.
Holzapfel-Glasser-Ogden PotentialThe Holzapfel-Glasser-Ogden strain energy is based on strain invariants and provides a convenient form to model materials where fibers with specific orientations are embedded in a matrix. A good example is biological tissue in arterial walls with collagen fibers. The specific form of the potential used is: with where is the strain energy per unit of reference volume of the material; , , , , and are temperature-dependent material parameters; is the number of families of fibers ( ); is the first deviatoric strain invariant; is the elastic volume ratio with the thermal effects to volume change excluded; and are what are known as pseudo-invariants of modified Green strain and mean fiber directions .
User-defined FormAlternatively, you can specify your own strain energy density function as a function of strain measure or as a function of strain invariants and local fiber directions. The user subroutine for implicit time integration simulations and the user subroutine for explicit time integration simulations allow for a strain based dependence on modified Green strain, a distortional strain measure and , the elastic volume ratio with the thermal effects to volume change excluded. The user subroutine for implicit time integration simulations and the user subroutine for explicit time integration simulations allow for specifying strain energy density in terms of strain invariants and invariants (combinations of dot product of local fiber directions) associated with fiber directions.
Definition of Preferred Material DirectionsFor the strain-based forms (such as the Fung form and user-defined forms using user subroutines), you must specify local orientation directions for the directions of anisotropy. Currently, local orientation specification is not supported if the orientations have a spatial variation. For invariant-based forms of the strain energy function (such as the Holzapfel form and user-defined forms using user subroutines), you have to specify both local orientation directions of anisotropy and local fiber direction vectors . Currently, spatial distribution of local orientation directions and local fiber directions are not supported. |