Volumetric Creep Swelling

Volumetric swelling material behavior:

  • can be defined by providing tabular input, or through a user subroutine;
  • is active only in Abaqus/Standard during steps using the coupled temperature-displacement procedure, the transient soils consolidation procedure, and the quasi-static procedure; and
  • can be either isotropic or anisotropic.

This page discusses:


For tabular definition, you specify the volumetric swelling data in tabular form. For user-subroutine based definition you specify the volumetric swelling behavior in the user subroutine.

Table 1. Volumetric swelling data
Input Data Description
Volumetric strain rate Volumetric swelling strain rate, ϵ ¯ ˙ s w .
Use temperature-dependent data Specify material parameters that depend on temperature. A Temperature field appears in the data table.
Number of field variables Specifies material parameters that depend on one or more independent field variables. A Field column appears in the data table.


For tabular definition you specify both (i) volumetric swelling behavior, and (ii) anisotropic swelling ratios, in tabular form. For user-subroutine based definition you specify the volumetric swelling behavior in the user subroutine, and anisotropic swelling ratios in tabular form.

Table 2. Volumetric swelling data
Input Data Description
Volumetric strain rate Volumetric swelling strain rate, ϵ ¯ ˙ s w .
Use temperature-dependent data Specify material parameters that depend on temperature. A Temperature field appears in the data table.
Number of field variables Specifies material parameters that depend on one or more independent field variables. A Field column appears in the data table.
Table 3. Anisotropic Swelling Ratios
Input Data Description
r11 Anisotropic swelling ratio, r 11 .
r22 Anisotropic swelling ratio, r 22 .
r33 Anisotropic swelling ratio, r 33 .
Use temperature-dependent data Specify material parameters that depend on temperature. A Temperature field appears in the data table.
Number of field variables Specifies material parameters that depend on one or more independent field variables. A Field column appears in the data table.