For tabular definition, you specify the volumetric swelling data in tabular form. For
user-subroutine based definition you specify the volumetric swelling behavior in the user
Table 1. Volumetric swelling data
Input Data |
Description |
Volumetric strain rate |
Volumetric swelling strain rate,
. |
Use temperature-dependent data |
Specify material parameters that depend on temperature. A
Temperature field appears in the data table. |
Number of field variables |
Specifies material parameters that depend on one or more
independent field variables. A Field column appears in the
data table. |
For tabular definition you specify both (i) volumetric swelling behavior, and (ii)
anisotropic swelling ratios, in tabular form. For user-subroutine based definition you
specify the volumetric swelling behavior in the user subroutine, and anisotropic swelling
ratios in tabular form.
Table 2. Volumetric swelling data
Input Data |
Description |
Volumetric strain rate |
Volumetric swelling strain rate,
. |
Use temperature-dependent data |
Specify material parameters that depend on temperature. A
Temperature field appears in the data table. |
Number of field variables |
Specifies material parameters that depend on one or more
independent field variables. A Field column appears in the
data table. |
Table 3. Anisotropic Swelling Ratios
Input Data |
Description |
r11 |
Anisotropic swelling ratio,
. |
r22 |
Anisotropic swelling ratio,
. |
r33 |
Anisotropic swelling ratio,
. |
Use temperature-dependent data |
Specify material parameters that depend on temperature. A
Temperature field appears in the data table. |
Number of field variables |
Specifies material parameters that depend on one or more
independent field variables. A Field column appears in the
data table. |