Navier-Stokes: Electric Conductivity

Electrical conductivity describes how well a material conducts electrical current.

Fluid flow simulations consider only isotropic electrical conductivity; if you define orthotropic or fully anisotropic conductivity for your material, the fluid flow simulation ignores the conductivity option.

You can specify linear conductivity or nonlinear conductivity (by defining conductivity values as a function of temperature). You can also specify conductivity values as a function of frequency.

See Also
In Other Guides
Electrical Conductivity
Input Data Description
Use frequency-dependent data Specify material parameters that depend on frequency (cycles/time). A Frequency field appears in the data table.
Use temperature-dependent data Specify material parameters that depend on temperature. A Temperature field appears in the data table.
Number of field variables Specifies material parameters that depend on one or more independent field variables. A Field column appears in the data table. For more information, see Specifying Material Data as a Function of Temperature and Independent Field Variables.
Electrical conductivity Isotropic electrical conductivity, σ . When specified, the material exhibits no directional dependency for electrical conductivity.