The hypoelastic material model:
HypoelasticityIn a hypoelastic material the rate of change of stress is defined as a tangent modulus matrix multiplying the rate of change of the elastic strain: The entries in are provided by giving Young's modulus, , and Poisson's ratio, , as functions of strain invariants. The strain invariants are defined as For plane stress and uniaxial stress states out-of-plane strain components are not computed. For the purpose of defining the above invariants, it is assumed that ; that is, the material is assumed to be incompressible. For example, in a uniaxial stress case (such as a truss element) this assumption implies that You can define the material coefficients directly.
Alternatively, you can define the behavior with a user subroutine (see UHYPEL ). No data lines are used with this option when the Type=User option is specified. |