
The hypoelastic material option is an isotropic linear elastic model valid for small elastic strains. The model requires the specification of the two isotropic elastic constants that are functions of three strain invariants.

Note: The hypoelastic material model is a complete material model meaning that it cannot be combined with any other material behaviors.

See Also
In Other Guides
Hypoelastic Behavior

The hypoelastic material model:

  • can only be used in implicit analyses;
  • is intended to be used when the load path is monotonic; and
  • must be defined by user subroutine UHYPEL if temperature dependence is to be included.


In a hypoelastic material the rate of change of stress is defined as a tangent modulus matrix multiplying the rate of change of the elastic strain:

d σ = D e l : d ε e l
where d σ is the rate of change of the stress (the “true,” Cauchy, stress in finite-strain problems), D e l is the tangent elasticity matrix, and d ε e l is the rate of change of the elastic strain (the log strain in finite-strain problems).

The entries in D e l are provided by giving Young's modulus, E , and Poisson's ratio, ν , as functions of strain invariants. The strain invariants ( I 1 , I 2 , I 3 ) are defined as

I 1 = t r a c e ( ε e l )
I 2 = 1 2 ( ε e l : ε e l I 1 2 )
I 3 = det ( ε e l ) .

For plane stress and uniaxial stress states out-of-plane strain components are not computed. For the purpose of defining the above invariants, it is assumed that I 1 = 0 ; that is, the material is assumed to be incompressible. For example, in a uniaxial stress case (such as a truss element) this assumption implies that

I 1 = 0
I 2 = 3 4 ( ε 11 e l ) 2
I 3 = 1 4 ( ε 11 e l ) 3

You can define the material coefficients directly.

Table 1. Type=Material Coefficients
Input Data Description
Young's Modulus E .
Poisson's Ratio ν .
First Strain Invariant I 1 .
Second Strain Invariant I 2 .
Third Strain Invariant I 3 .

Alternatively, you can define the behavior with a user subroutine (see UHYPEL ). No data lines are used with this option when the Type=User option is specified.