Surface Model

The surface conductor model can describe good (but not perfect) electric conductors. These good but imperfect electric conductors are also called lossy metals.

The surface conductor model accounts for a very fast drop of the high-frequency electric field as field contacts the surface of the metal. It can be applied only when the conductivity, σ , is so high that the dielectric and polarization effects with the material can be neglected. This condition is represented by the equation

σ ϵ 0 ϵ ω ,

where ϵ is the relative permittivity, ω is the angular frequency, and ϵ 0 8.85 10 12 F / m is the vacuum permittivity.

In this situation it can be demonstrated that the electric fields penetrate the material only in a very tiny layer with a thickness ("skin depth"), δ defined as

δ = 2 ω μ 0 μ σ ,
where μ is the relative permeability and μ 0 = 4 π 10 7 H / m is the vacuum permeability.

The equation above shows that the skin depth effect is most prominent at high frequencies. The higher the frequency, the better the corresponding approximation. If you want to simulate the material behavior at low frequencies, use the Volume Model.

Input Data Description
Model Select PEC to select the perfect electric conductor model and ignore other parameters. Select Lossy metal to model an imperfect electric conductor.
Use temperature-dependent data Specifies material parameters that depend on temperature. A Temperature field appears in the data table. For more information, see Specifying Material Data as a Function of Temperature and Independent Field Variables.
El. conductivity Electrical conductivity, σ .
Rel. Mag. Permeability Relative magnetic permeability, ϵ .
Surface Roughness Roughness of the lossy metal surface (root mean square). The surface profile is modeled as a random process with normal distribution. Surface roughness leads to increased total loss and increased inner conductance effects.