About the Keyword Editor

The Keyword Editor lets you take advantage of functionality from the Abaqus keyword interface that is not yet supported on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

The Abaqus keyword interface provides a full array of options and functionality for structural simulations, and a subset of these options are not supported in Mechanical Scenario Creation. If you want to specify any of these unsupported keywords, parameters, or parameter values in your simulation without leaving the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, you can add them to an analysis case by creating a keyword edit.

You can create a keyword edit by specifying the Abaqus functionality you want to use in an XML file (using a defined schema) or in a Python file. You can create one keyword edit per analysis case, and the keyword edit appears in the tree and in the Feature Manager. Once you define a keyword edit, the app processes its Abaqus functionality when you run the simulation or when you export the simulation to an Abaqus input (.inp) file.

Note: The app compiles Python files using Python version 3.7.

Mechanical Scenario Creation does not validate your keyword edits. If you want to confirm that the Abaqus keyword functionality in the keyword edit runs properly, you can add the new content to an input file first and run it in Abaqus to confirm that it runs without error.

Keyword edits support most of the options in the Abaqus keyword interface that you can define in the following parts of an input file:

  • The model data block (options inserted under the *HEADING option)
  • The history data block (options inserted after the first step definition)

However, the keyword editor does not support the following:

  • Geometry-based corrections in contact definitions.
  • Preloaded FEM components. For more information about preloaded FEMs, see
  • Meshing changes, which can break the connection to the native mesh and native parts.

In addition, the keyword functionality you specify must be "flat" (that is, it cannot contain statements that use the *INCLUDE option).

Syntax for Keyword Edit Files

The Abaqus options you specify in an XML file or a Python file should adhere to syntax similar to the following:

   <inputFile name="Projectile_impact_on_plate.inp"/>
   <addKeyword editNum="1" after="True" exgKeyword="Orientation" exgKeywordInstance="1" 
            addKeywordLine="*sectioncontrols, name=EC-1, hourglass=ENHANCED, kinematicsplit=ORTHOGONAL,distortion control,length ratio=0.1">
      1., 1., 1.
   <addKeyword editNum="3" after="False" exgKeyword="Step" exgKeywordInstance="1" addKeywordLine="*SURFACE, TYPE=ELEMENT, NAME=SURF1">
       "Solid Section1-1",interior
       "Solid Section2-1",interior
   <addKeyword editNum="4" after="True" exgKeyword="Dynamic" exgKeywordInstance="1" addKeywordLine="*BULK VISCOSITY">
       0.06, 1.2
   <addKeyword editNum="5" after="True" exgKeyword="CONTACT INCLUSIONS" exgKeywordInstance="1">
      *contact controls assignment, nodal erosion=no