Initial Conditions Section

Initial conditions allow you to set the values of certain state variables at the start of a simulation.

These variables help to define the base state of the model and might compensate for modeling omissions or inaccuracies.

Unlike restraints, which fix certain values during a simulation, the initial conditions are free to evolve from their base state during the simulation.

Initial Stress
Defines the initial stress of a body.
See Applying Initial Stresses.
Defines the temperature in a region for a thermal analysis case.
See Applying Prescribed Temperatures.
Initial Velocity
Defines the initial velocity of a body or fluid.
See Applying Initial Velocities.
Initial DOF Rotational Velocity
Defines a rotational velocity about each node in a region.
See Applying Initial DOF Rotational Velocities.
Void Ratio
Defines the ratio of volume of voids to volume of solid material.
See Applying Void Ratios.
Initial Field
Defines the initial values of field variables.
See Specifying Initial Fields.