About Weld Line Sets

Weld line sets provide more control over weld fatigue assessments than weld fillet sets.

Note: This functionality is available only when you have a role that provides access to Verity weld simulations. For the latest information on roles and the apps to which they provide access, see the Program Directory.

This page discusses:

See Also
Defining Weld Line Sets

Common Use Cases

You might want to define a weld line set when the use of weld fillet sets returns error messages, and the app cannot analyze the weld lines for those fillets. For butt welds, using a weld fillet set requires the modeling of a fillet. Because of this requirement, it can be more efficient to use a weld line set to avoid the need for modeling the "fillet" by selecting the weld line and the surface on one side of them to identify the location of the butt weld.

You can analyze only one failure mode at a time. If you want to simulate multiple failure modes, copy the weld line set and adjust the region and failure mode choices.


You can define a weld line set on an edge of the geometry or on a suitable line fastener.

For selection on geometry, select an edge that defines the weld line and a surface that determines which side of the weld line you want to use for calculating structural stresses. The edges must be part of the surface you choose, and the app ignores any edges that are not a component of the surface. You cannot select the elements generated for the weld line set from the 3D area, so in most cases you should select the geometry you want from the tree.

Line fasteners that are suitable for selection in a weld line set require the following specifications:

  • The fastener construct type must be set to shell.
  • The fastener mesh type must be compatible.
  • If the support boundary placement method is selected, the fastener can have penetration elements and/or fillet realization specifications.
For more information, see Create a Line Fastener with Shell Elements and a Compatible Mesh.