About Rotary Acceleration Forces

A rotary acceleration force is applied to all bodies in a model to mimic the rotation of the model about an axis at a constant acceleration.

A rotary acceleration force cannot be applied to axisymmetric elements or in explicit dynamic steps.

See Also
Applying Rotary Acceleration Forces

Rotary acceleration forces are typically applied to one or more nodes in a model. Rotary acceleration features define loads due to rotation of a model about an axis at a constant acceleration.

Rotary acceleration forces are defined by specifying the rotary acceleration magnitude in radians/time2. Abaqus uses the specified material density, together with the rotary acceleration magnitude and axis of rotary acceleration, to calculate the loading. The magnitude of the load can vary with time during a step according to an amplitude definition. However, the position and orientation of the axis around which the structure rotates are always applied at the beginning of the step and remain fixed during the step.