Defining Fatigue FKM Assessments

You can define a fatigue FKM assessment to determine the degree of utilization of the fatigue capacity of a structure or component.

Before you begin: You must have the appropriate role to define an FKM assessment.
See Also
About Fatigue FKM Assessment Steps
In Other Guides
Analysis Cases and Steps
  1. From the Durability section of the action bar, click Fatigue FKM Assessment .
  2. Optional: Enter a descriptive Name.
  3. Review the default settings of all the parameters and adjust them as needed.

    Important: This guide does not provide any guidance about the specific parameters in an FKM assessment. Refer to your copy of the FKM Guideline for further information about FKM assessment parameters. The FKM dialog boxes identify the fields that correspond to parameters in the FKM Guideline; where applicable, their labels include a symbol prefix, as in the label Kp: Plastic notch factor, which indicates that the field corresponds to the parameter Kp in the FKM Guideline.

  4. Click OK.