Collaborative spaces organize 3DEXPERIENCE database content to manage who can access that content and to control when users from other collaborative spaces can access the content. The abstractions and co-simulation experiment must be in the same collaborative space. The abstractions include any 0D logical simulations or 3D physics simulations that you publish from a 3DEXPERIENCE platform app (such as Dymola Behavior Modeling, Results Analytics, Mechanical Scenario Creation, or Fluid Scenario Creation). When you log in to the 3DDashboard and start the Multiscale Experiment Creation app, verify that you are still in the same collaborative space as the one containing the abstractions. You can see the current collaborative space in the dashboard app preferences. You can view the collaborative spaces and their content in the 3DSpace app. For more information, see: Installation and Setup | Configure | People & Organizations and Content | Persons, Organizations, and Collaborative Spaces | Managing for the Baseline Behavior | Collaborative Spaces | About Collaborative Spaces |