Multiscale Experiment Creation lets you rapidly create complex multiscale and multiphysics simulations.
Multiscale experiments can combine 3D physics simulations with logical system simulations that
are highly abstracted approximations of real-world physical behavior. Logical system
simulations are zero-dimensional (0D), lumped parameter models. You can create these
models in the 3DEXPERIENCEFunctional & Logical Design and Dymola Behavior Modeling systems modeling apps. 0D system models are usually packaged in the form of an FMU
(functional mockup unit) component that you can use in an experiment.
Multiphysics experiments involve high-precision 3D simulations such as mechanical finite
element analyses, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) flow simulations, and
electromagnetic simulations. You can combine two different physics domains to create a
co-simulation such as a fluid-structure interaction (FSI).
Multiscale Experiment Creation is a dashboardapp that
allows you to:
Efficiently define multiphysics co-simulation experiments such as fluid-structure
interaction (FSI), conjugate heat transfer (CHT), and cyber-physical system analyses
Use additional co-simulation functionality derived directly from features
available in the 3D physics solvers and the co-simulation services
Include simulation models from partners, that they can provide in the form of