Creating a Component from a 3DEXPERIENCE Logical Reference

You can create a component by instantiating an existing Logical Reference object from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform database.

This task shows you how to:

Find the Logical Reference in 3DSearch

  1. From the Configuration section of the action bar, click Add Existing Component .
  2. In the resulting 3DSearch view, select the Logical Reference object you want to instantiate. These objects are referred to by Title, not name.

    You can select multiple objects; a separate component is created for each one.

  3. Review the properties of the objects, and click Ok.

The Logical Reference instance is added to your experiment canvas as a component. You can drag the component anywhere in the experiment diagram.

Drag and Drop the Logical Reference from 3DSpace

  1. Open 3DSpace in your dashboard alongside Multiscale Experiment Creation.
  2. In 3DSpace, find the Logical Reference object you want.
  3. Drag the object from 3DSpace into Multiscale Experiment Creation, and drop it anywhere on the canvas.

The Logical Reference instance is added to your experiment as a component. You can drag the component anywhere in the experiment diagram.