From the Abaqus/CAE
File menu, select Save to
From the list of files in the work directory, select the files to save.
To request that Abaqus/CAE creates experience content from an output database file
(.odb) or SIM database file
(.sim), click the gray results icon
The icon changes color to indicate that experience content will be created and saved with the
simulation object.
You can create a simulation object from either the output database (default) or the SIM
database file but not both. If you select the SIM database file, you must use
the Abaqus/CAE Job editor to request results output in SIM format. By default, Abaqus/CAE writes results only to the output database file, and the SIM database
file contains model data only.
- Optional:
Select Associate simulation with product, and select the
product from the list.
Traceability is maintained between the simulation object generated by Abaqus/CAE and the product downloaded from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. You can see the traceability in the Relations app.
From the Main input list, select the main input file
associated with the simulation.
This option appears only if you have more than one input file associated with
the simulation object.
- Click OK.
Abaqus/CAE transfers the selected files from the work directory to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. If you requested experience content, Abaqus/CAE creates the simulation object and saves it to the