The complete workflow encompasses steps that you must complete in other apps in addition to
Parametric Design Study.
- Create and solve a structural analysis case (using the Mechanical Scenario Creation
or a fluid mechanics analysis (using the Fluid Scenario Creation
app). The results of the analysis case must contain sensors for the parameters that
you are interested in evaluating.
If you want to evaluate the designs using only
parameters that are calculated by the product (such as total mass), you do not
need an analysis case.
- Define design variables for the parameters that you want to vary in the study. You can
specify an allowable range of values for each design variable. For more information,
see Design Variables Manager.
If your
model or scenario do not contain the parameters you need, you can use
Knowledgeware to create them. For more information, see Using Knowledgeware to Parameterize Simulation Features. You can either add parameter ranges using
Knowledgeware or specify allowable ranges in Parametric Design Study
- Define the response variables for the results you are interested in tracking. For more
information, see Response Variables Manager.
- Define the goals of your study by specifying an objective for one or more response variables
(for example, to minimize or maximize the target value). For more information, see
About Objectives and Constraints.
- Define constraints (such as a maximum allowable value for stress) on any response variables
that you want to use to evaluate the designs. Designs that violate a constraint are
marked as infeasible. For more information, see About Objectives and Constraints.
- Check the robustness of the design by evaluating sample points throughout the design space.
You can assess the geometry, mesh, or load changes. If a large number of points
fail, you might want to modify the model or reduce the range of allowable values for
some design variables. For more information, see About Design Space Checks.
- Run the study. While the study is running, you can monitor the results of simulations in the
study as they complete. For more information, see Simulation Configuration.
- Review the results of the study. Use the ranking and comparison tools to select your favorite
designs. For more information, see About Study Results.
- Generate alternatives of your favorite designs if you want to perform additional validation
tests. A separate Physics Simulation object and products are created for each alternative. You can then run additional
simulations on that design (using Mechanical Scenario Creation for structural analyses or Fluid Scenario Creation for fluid mechanics analyses).