Monitoring a Simulation Interactively

When you run a simulation from an app, you can monitor its progress interactively from the Simulation Status dialog box.

See Also
About Simulation Monitoring
  1. If the Simulation Status dialog box is not already open, navigate to the Standard section of the action bar, and then click Simulation Status .
  2. Click Terminate if you want to end the simulation job while it is still in progress, and select a termination method:
    Terminate after... Ends the simulation after completing and saving results for the running frames of all analysis cases. For design improvement studies, the design point that is being run is completed, and results for all completed design points are saved.
    Terminate now... Ends the simulation immediately. For local execution, results for any completed frames are saved. For remote or cloud execution, no results are saved. For design improvement studies, the design point that is being run is completed, and the results for all completed design points in the study are also deleted.

    Click OK to close the Terminate Simulation dialog box.

  3. If the simulation is complete, click Close.