Getting Started |
Describes the
key tasks to discover the
3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Describes the key
concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, such as the Compass, 6WTags, 3DSearch, and 3DNotification. |
3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps |
Describes the user
interface and tools common to all native apps. This guide complements
Platform. |
Native Apps Preferences |
Describes how to access and customize
the preferences to suit your working habits.
Simulation | Fluids | Fluid Scenario Creation |
Describes how to define and run steady-state
and transient fluid flow simulations. |
Simulation | Structures | Mechanical Scenario Creation |
Describes how to define and run linear and
nonlinear structural simulations, including explicit dynamic analyses. |
Simulation | Multidiscipline and Multiscale | Physics Results Explorer |
Describes how to perform detailed simulation results
visualization for models of all sizes using a wide selection of
tools. |