Creating Index and Method Files

You can create one index file and one or more method files.

A method file is required for each custom method that you want to be available in Physics Methods Reuse. You must save all method files in the same directory to be accessed by the index file when Physics Methods Reuse is run.

  1. Open any text editor.
  2. Create a method file for each custom method you want to have available in Physics Methods Reuse using the Method Files sample as a template.
  3. Save each method file to the directory of your choice.

    Save the method files in XML format; there is no specific naming convention for method files.

  4. Create a single index file using the Index Files sample as a template.
    The index file explicitly references the method files you created in previous steps.
  5. Save the index file to the same directory as the method files.

    Save the index file in XML format, with a name of the form SMAMpaMethodIndex*.xml.