Configuring a Delete Content Adapter

You can create a delete rule that deletes content from the activity, such as a document or a folder. A delete rule deletes content during execution. If the content is referenced content, the link to the content is removed. If the content is owned content, the content is removed.

  1. From the Utilities section of the action bar, click Delete Content and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Select the Delete Content adapter.
  3. From the context toolbar, click Edit .
    The Delete Content dialog box appears.
  4. Click Create New to create a new delete rule.
    The Create Delete Rule window appears.
  5. To edit the title, clear the AutoName box, and enter a name for the delete rule. Process Composer for Dashboard automatically names your delete rule by default.
  6. Choose whether the rule is Enabled. By default, the value is True and the delete rule will run. You can choose a value of False to run an activity without running its delete rule.
  7. Select the Source Category where the content is stored. For more information, see About Categories.
  8. Select the Type of the documents to delete.
  9. Enter the Content Title of the documents to delete. You can use wildcards. For example, *.* deletes all of the documents.
  10. From the Owned/Referenced options, choose whether all documents are deleted or only owned or referenced documents.
  11. From the Input/Output options, choose whether all documents are deleted or only documents marked as input, output, both, or neither.
  12. Click Done to create the delete rule.