Creating a Scalar Parameter

You can create scalar parameters in a simulation process or a simulation activity.

Before you begin:

You must have read/write access to a simulation process or simulation activity to create, edit, or delete a parameter.

  1. Select the simulation process or a simulation activity, and click Parameters from the context toolbar that appears.
    Process Composer for Dashboard displays the parameters page.
  2. From the Parameters page toolbar, select .
    Process Composer for Dashboard adds the new parameter to the table.
  3. From the parameter table, select Edit .
    Process Composer for Dashboard displays the Modify Parameter page.
  4. Enter the Name.

    Process Composer for Dashboard uses the name to identify a parameter. The text that you enter is case sensitive and can include spaces. The name must include at least one letter, but it cannot include the special characters described in Parameter Names.

  5. Select the parameter Mode:
    Input Process Composer for Dashboard exports the parameter to the parameter file in the working directory prior to executing the simulation process or activity.
    OutputAfter the simulation process or activity has finished executing, Process Composer for Dashboard imports the parameter from the parameter file in the working directory.
    Input/OutputProcess Composer for Dashboard exports the parameter to the working directory prior to executing the simulation process or activity and imports the parameter from the working directory after execution is complete.
    Note: If a parameter has an expression for its value, you can select Output or Input/Output only if the expression refers to an attribute or an object description.
    NoneProcess Composer for Dashboard does not export the parameter to the working directory or import the parameter from the working directory.
  6. Select the parameter Type:
    Integer A whole number. The range of values depends on the local system architecture.
    Real A real number expressed with a decimal point (for example, 5.4321).
    String One or more characters. The characters can be numbers or letters. Select the string's Subtype:
    • Single line: The data entry field consists of a single line, and the text scrolls to the left as the user types.
    • Multiline: The values consist of multiple lines of text. The text box is scrollable, and the text wraps to the next line as the user types.
    Boolean TRUE or FALSE.
    Timestamp The date and time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm format; for example, 03/24/2008 10:05:00 pm (or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm, depending on locale). You can also enter the date as an integer representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970. (The date format displayed depends on a user preference.)
    Object A reference to an object in the database, such as a part of a document. Click to select the Object.

    Process Composer for Dashboard prevents you from changing the type of parameter unless you import a new parameter with the same title and overwrite the original.

  7. Enter the default Value.

    If the parameter is a string with choices, its default value must be one of the possible values.

  8. Enter a Description that allows users to determine the purpose of the parameter.
  9. Enter an Expression to define the value.

    If you enter both a value and an expression, Process Composer for Dashboard uses the expression to define the value of the parameter.

  10. Enter the possible values of the parameter as Choices. Enter each value on a new line.
  11. Click OK.