About Images

An image appears as a visual representation of an entity within Process Composer for Dashboard. You can associate Process Composer for Dashboard entities with image files.

Images can be associated with the following Process Composer for Dashboard entities:

  • Simulation processes
  • Simulation activities
  • Simulation folders
  • Data categories
  • Simulation documents
  • Attribute groups

You can store an image in a document. The image that is associated with a document is also associated with all referenced documents linked to that document. However, you must download the image to view it. Alternatively, you can store an image in an object's image holder. You can view an image that was stored in an image holder from within Process Composer for Dashboard; for example, from the Image column of the Content page. When you use an upload rule to import an image, Process Composer for Dashboard stores it in both a document and an image holder.

Images are most useful for documents that contain visual or geometric data, such as model geometry or output plots. Images let you preview the contents of these documents without opening the document in another application. For example, if you have a document that contains CAD geometry for a model, you can associate a JPEG image of the model geometry with the document.

The following image types are supported:

Dimension Type Extension
2-Dimensional GIF .gif, .giff
JPEG .jpg, .jpeg
PNG .png
3-Dimensional 3DXML .3dxml
CGR .cgr

Three-dimensional images can be viewed only on the Images page of the entity's properties window; they are not visible in the content table.