Creating an Owned Document

You can create a document that resides in a data category in a simulation process or a simulation activity.

  1. From the content page, select the category that will contain the document.
  2. From the document actions menu in the content page toolbar, do either of the following:
    • To create a document with versioned files, select Create Simulation Document With Versioned Files . The document will contain files that are versioned by Process Composer for Dashboard. Process Composer for Dashboard updates the version number when you check the file back into the database, and older versions can be retrieved.
    • To create a document with nonversioned files, select Create Simulation Document With Nonversioned Files . The document will contain files that are not versioned by Process Composer for Dashboard. Process Composer for Dashboard overwrites the original file when you check it back into the database.
  3. From the page that appears, enter the following:
    Name Process Composer for Dashboard text fields allow you to enter long descriptive names. The text that you enter is case sensitive and can include spaces.
    PolicySimulation Document is the only policy for documents that is provided by Process Composer for Dashboard.
    TitleThe title of the document. Process Composer for Dashboard displays the document title when you click on a category to display its contents.
    DescriptionEnter a description that allows any user to determine the purpose of this document and how it is used by the simulation.
  4. Click Next.
  5. From the Upload Files page that appears, do either of the following:
    • Browse to the files that you want to check into the document, and click Done.
    • To create an empty document, click Done.
    Process Composer for Dashboard creates the document in the selected category.