Entering and Evaluating Expressions

You can use the Calculator adapter to solve mathematical expressions. The Calculator adapter supports all major mathematical operations.

If you want to perform a complex operation on your parameters that cannot be defined using the Calculator adapter, you may be able to use the Script adapter in Process Composer Native to define the operation.

See Also
About Calculator Operators
Calculator Functions
Parameter Usage Within the Calculator
  1. From the Utilities section of the action bar, click Calculator and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Click Calculator , and from the context menu, click .
    The Calculator Editor appears.
  3. From the Calculator Editor, begin entering your calculation in the expression field by entering directly or by using any of the following methods:
    • To insert a declared parameter, select the parameter name from the Parameters list.

    • To insert numbers or operators into your expression, use the numeric keyboard or select an operator from the Operators list.

    • To insert a function into an expression, select the function from the Functions list.

      Note: All trigonometric functions (for example, sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot) use radians in their argument. All arc trigonometric functions (for example, acos, asin, atan, acsc, asec, acot) return radian values.

    Process Composer offers auto-completion as you type, based on available functions and parameters.

  4. If you are entering multiple expressions, enter each expression on a separate line in the expression field or separate the expressions by a semicolon.
  5. Optional: Add comments to the expression by starting the line with the // character.
  6. Optional: Select Allow exceptional values (NaN, Infinity).

    By default, the Calculator adapter stops and displays an error if any function or operator returns a real result with an exceptional value. The exceptional values are Inf, -Inf, or NaN. If you click Allow exceptional values (NaN, Infinity), the Calculator adapter proceeds and returns the exceptional value. Exceptional values can be stored as real parameters and will appear in the Parameters panel.

  7. When the expression is complete, click Calculate to run the calculation and to display the result in the Status bar.
  8. Click Ok to save your expression and to close the Calculator Editor.