Parameter Formulation

Results Analytics creates the parameter formulation from a combination of a parameter's priority and objectives along with any threshold values you assigned.

You display the parameter definition view, by selecting from the Define page.

If you load a dataset from a Process Composer simulation job file (.nrf) or from an Isight results file (.zrf), Results Analytics loads any parameter formulations that were included in the file.

The parameter formulation includes the following:


Results Analytics uses the priority to set the weight factor of a parameter.

You can assign a parameter a priority between P1 and P5, where P1 is the highest priority and P5 (default) is the lowest priority. You can also assign a priority of MH, indicating a must-have parameter. A must-have priority has the same weight as P1; however, if the threshold is not met, the entire alternative is penalized with a score of zero.

Threshold values
You can assign a parameter upper and lower threshold values. If the value of a parameter is greater than the upper threshold or lower than the lower threshold, the corresponding data point is still scored and ranked; however, it is considered infeasible. Infeasible data points are still visible (highlighted in red) in the data table and in scatter plots and self-organizing maps, unless you use the Feasibilty filter to hide them.

Note: You cannot assign a threshold value or an objective to string or array parameters.

Results Analytics uses the objectives to assess the feasibility and to calculate the score and rank of the different alternatives. You can choose an objective that tries to minimize or maximize the value of a parameter. Alternatively, you can choose an objective that tries to target the value of a parameter to a specified number.
You can double-click in the Write a note field to add a note to that parameter. A note allows you to record why you set an objective or a constraint to a certain value, such as a manufacturing constraint or a safety regulation.