Parameter API

The Parameter API handles calls relating to the manipulation of parameters or columns. You can add, remove, or fetch parameters using this API. On the other hand, you can select a column of data or add data values for a new parameter using the Data API.

This page discusses:

select(Callable selector)

This method selects all parameters matching a given selector.

selector: A Python callable object.
Return Value
Returns a list-like Python object containing all parameters matching the selector.
The selector is passed each parameter in the data set. The parameters are formatted as dictionary-like objects. The following example selects all input parameters:
def inputFilter(param):
    return param["role"] == "INPUT"


PLMObject parameters in the analytics case are not supported in the Parameter API.

createParameter(String role, String dataType, String structure, Integer priority, Number priorityWeight, Number weightFactor, Number basketWeight, String dimensions, String unit, String notes, String displayName, String name, String parentId)

This method creates a new parameter with specified attributes.

  • role: The role of the new parameter. Values are INPUT, OUTPUT, and UNKNOWN.
  • dataType: The type of data to be added to the new parameter if it does not contain string data. Values are INTEGER, REAL, and BOOLEAN.
  • structure: The structure of the data in the new parameter. Values are SCALAR and ARRAY.
  • priority: The priority of the new parameter. This also defined an initial rough weight, if weight is not defined. It must be an integer between 0 and 5.
  • weightFactor: A number specifying the weight to be used in scoring calculations.
  • dimensions: The dimensions of the parameter if it is of type ARRAY.
  • unit: The unit of the parameter, such as miles or kg.
  • notes: Additional notes on the parameter.
  • displayName: A short name to be displayed for the parameter. name will be used if displayName is not defined.
  • name: The full name of the parameter.
  • parentId: The ID of the group containing the parameter. The parameter will be directly under the root group for the case if this is not defined.
Return Value
Returns dictionary-like object representing the newly created parameter, including an auto-generated ID field used to identify the parameter in many other methods.
The parameter must have a unique name attribute (specified by the key name in the attributes object). All other parameters are optional.

modifyParameter(String paramId, String role, String dataType, String structure, Integer priority, String dimensions, String unit, String notes, String displayName, String name, String parentId)

This method updates specified attributes on a specified parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • role: The role of the parameter. Values are INPUT, OUTPUT, and UNKNOWN.
  • dataType: The type of data to be added to the parameter, if it does not contain string data. Values are INTEGER, REAL, and BOOLEAN.
  • structure: The structure of the data in the parameter. Values are SCALAR and ARRAY.
  • priority: The priority of the parameter. This also defined an initial rough weight, if weight is not defined. This must be an integer between 0 and 5.
  • weightFactor: A number specifying the weight to be used in scoring calculations.
  • dimensions: The dimensions of the parameter if it is of type ARRAY.
  • unit: The unit of the parameter, such as miles or kg.
  • notes: Additional notes on the parameter.
  • displayName: A short name to be displayed for the parameter. name will be used if displayName is not defined.
  • name: The full name of the parameter.
  • parentId: The ID of the group containing the parameter. The parameter will be directly under the root group for the case if this is not defined.
Return Value
Returns a dictionary-like object representing the modified parameter.
All arguments other than id are optional. Arguments provided will overwrite previously defined values, while parameter attributes for which no corresponding argument is provided will retain their previous values.

modifyParameterRole(String paramId, String role)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • role: The role of the parameter. Values are INPUT, OUTPUT, and UNKNOWN.
Return Value

modifyParameterDataType(String paramId, String dataType)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • dataType: The type of data to be added to the parameter, if it does not contain string data. Values are INTEGER, REAL, and BOOLEAN.
Return Value

modifyParameterStructure(String paramId, String structure)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • structure: The structure of the data in the parameter. Values are SCALAR and ARRAY.
Return Value

modifyParameterPriority(String paramId, Integer priority)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • priority: The priority of the parameter. This also defined an initial rough weight, if weight is not defined. This must be an integer between 0 and 5.
Return Value

modifyParameterDimensions(String paramId, String dimensions)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • dimensions: The dimensions of the parameter if it is of type ARRAY.
Return Value

modifyParameterUnit(String paramId, String unit)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • unit: The unit of the parameter, such as miles or kg.
Return Value

modifyParameterNotes(String paramId, String notes)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • notes: Additional notes on the parameter.
Return Value

modifyParameterDisplayName(String paramId, String displayName)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • displayName: A short name to be displayed for the parameter. name will be used if displayName is not defined.
Return Value

modifyParameterName(String paramId, String name)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • name: The full name of the parameter.
Return Value

modifyParameterParent(String paramId, String parentId)

This method modifies the role of a parameter.

  • paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
  • parentId: The ID of the group containing the parameter. The parameter will be directly under the root group for the case if this is not defined.
Return Value

deleteParameter(String paramId)

This method deletes a specified parameter.

paramId: A string ID uniquely identifying one parameter.
Return Value


This method creates a new iterator for the set of all parameters.

Return Value
Returns a string used to uniquely identify the newly generated iterator.

PLMObject parameters in the analytics case are not supported in the Parameter API.

next(String iteratorId)

This method gets the next item for an iterator.

iteratorId: The ID string returned by the getIterator() method.
Return Value
Returns a dictionary-like object describing the next item in the iterator.

hasNext(String iteratorId)

This method returns true if an iterator has at least one more item.

iteratorId: The ID string returned by the getIterator() method.
Return Value
Returns true if the iterator has at least one more item.

getComments(String paramId)

This method returns all comments for a specified parameter.

paramId: A string uniquely identifying a parameter.
Return Value
Returns a list-like object containing dictionaries describing all comments that have been made on a specified parameter.
paramId is the ID attribute on parameter objects, such as those returned by the select or next methods.

addComment(String paramId, String text, String parentId)

This method adds a comment on a parameter or a subcomment on a parameter comment.

  • paramId: A string identifying the parameter for which the comment should be defined.
  • text: The text content of the comment.
  • parentId: An optional parameter defining a parent comment under which the comment should be added. This is used only for defining subcomments.
Return Value
Returns a dictionary-like object describing the newly added comment.
The parentId attribute is optional.

The parentId attribute is the ID attribute on the comment objects returned by comment methods in the Parameter API, such as addComment() or getComments().

The paramId attribute is the ID attribute on parameter objects, such as those returned by the select() or next() methods.

removeComment(String paramId, String commentId)

This method removes a comment from a parameter or a subcomment from a parameter comment.

  • paramId: A string identifying the parent parameter of the comment to be deleted.
  • commentId: A string identifying the comment to be deleted.
Return Value
Returns a list-like object containing all remaining comments that exists on the parameter.
The commentId attribute is the ID attribute on the comment objects returned by comment methods in the Parameter API, such as addComment() or getComments().

The paramId attribute is the ID attribute on parameter objects, such as those returned by the select() or next() methods.

getLikesForComment(String paramId, String commentId)

This method gets all likes for a specified comment on a specified parameter.

  • paramId: A string identifying the parent parameter of the comment.
  • commentId: A string identifying the comment.
Return Value
Returns a list-like object containing all likes that users have made on the specified comment.
The commentId attribute is the ID attribute on the comment objects returned by comment methods in the Parameter API, such as addComment() or getComments().

The paramId attribute is the ID attribute on parameter objects, such as those returned by the select() or next() methods.

addLikeForComment(String paramId, String commentId)

This method adds a like for the current user on a specified comment for a specified parameter.

  • paramId: A string identifying the parent parameter of the comment.
  • commentId: A string identifying the comment.
Return Value
Returns a list-like object containing all likes that users have made on the specified comment.
The commentId attribute is the ID attribute on the comment objects returned by comment methods in the Parameter API, such as addComment() or getComments().

The paramId attribute is the ID attribute on parameter objects, such as those returned by the select() or next() methods.

removeLikeForComment(String paramId, String commentId)

This method removes a like for the current user on a specified comment for a specified parameter.

  • paramId: A string identifying the parent parameter of the comment.
  • commentId: A string identifying the comment.
Return Value
Returns a list-like object containing all likes that users have made on the specified comment.
The commentId attribute is the ID attribute on the comment objects returned by comment methods in the Parameter API, such as addComment() or getComments().

The paramId attribute is the ID attribute on parameter objects, such as those returned by the select() or next() methods.

createGroup(String displayName, String parentId, Integer priority, Number weightFactor)

This method creates a new empty group.

  • displayName: The name to be displayed for the new group.
  • parentId: An optional argument identifying a parent group under which the new group will be created. If no parentId is provided, the parent group will be the root group for the analytics case.
  • priority: The priority of the group. It must be an integer between 0 and 5.
  • weightFactor: An optional argument specifying the weighting factor for the group.
Return Value
Returns a dictionary-like object describing the newly created group.

modifyGroup(String groupId, String displayName, String parentId, Number weightFactor, Number basketWeight, Integer priority)

This method modifies a specified existing group.

  • groupId: A string identifying the group.
  • displayName: The name to be displayed for the new group.
  • priority: The priority of the group. It must be an integer between 0 and 5.
  • weightFactor: An optional argument specifying the weighting factor for the group.
  • parentId: An optional argument identifying a parent group under which the new group will be created. If no parentId is provided, the parent group will be the root group for the analytics case.
Return Value
Returns a dictionary-like object describing the updated group.

modifyGroupDisplayName(String groupId, String displayName)

  • paramId: A string identifying the group.
  • displayName: The display name of the group.

modifyGroupPriority(String groupId, Integer priority)

  • paramId: A string identifying the group.
  • priority: The priority of the group. It must be an integer between 0 and 5.

modifyGroupWeightFactor(String groupId, Number weightFactor)

  • paramId: A string identifying the group.
  • weightFactor: An optional argument specifying the weighting factor for the group.

modifyGroupParent(String groupId, String parentId)

  • paramId: A string identifying the group.
  • parentId: An optional argument identifying a parent group under which the new group will be created. If no parentId is provided, the parent group will be the root group for the analytics case.

getGroup(String groupId)

This method returns a specified group.

groupId: A string identifying an existing group.
Return Value
Returns a dictionary-like object describing the group.

removeGroup(String groupId)

This method deletes a specified group.

groupId: A string identifying an existing group.
Return Value
All group and parameter children of the removed group are appended as children of the parent group of the removed group.