Visuals API

The Visuals API handles all calls related to plots and charts.

The plots and charts created with the Visuals API appear in the Visual Analytics page within Results Analytics. You can edit all charts except the Image Viewer and Plotly charts from the Visual Analytics page.

This page discusses:

See Also
Visual Analytics

addTab(String tabName)

This method adds a new Visual Analytics tab and sets it as the current tab.

tabName: A string identifying the tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly created tab.


This method returns a nested dictionary describing all tabs defined on the current case and all visualizations contained in those tabs.

Return Value
Returns an object describing all tabs.

removeTab(String tabId)

This method removes a Visual Analytics tab and all of its charts.

tabId: A string identifying the tab.

modifyTabName(String tabId, String tabName)

This method changes the name of an existing tab.

  • tabId: A string identifying the tab.
  • tabName: The new name to be displayed.

getVisual(String visualId)

This method returns the JSON object describing a visualization.

visualId: A string identifying the visualization.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the visualization.

removeVisual(String visualId)

This method removes a visualization.

visualId: A string identifying the visualization.

Visualization Addition Methods

These methods all add a single visualization to Visual Analytics, and all follow similar behavior.

The visualizations are labeled with the title argument in the method. They are placed either on the tab whose ID is specified by the tab argument or on the current active tab.

Specifying the tab on which a chart should be added or adding a new tab using the addTab method updates the current active tab. A maximum of nine visualizations can be added to any tab.

All visualizations aside from the Image Viewer and the Plotly visualization update as the case data changes.

addImageVisual(Object fig, String title="Image Visual", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds an image visualization from a Pyplot figure object. This visualization does not update if you later modify the analytics case.

  • fig: A Pyplot figure object.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addPlotlyVisual(Object fig, String title="Plotly Visual", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a Plotly visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

The Plotly visualization provides interactivity such as zoom and pan but does not modify the underlying data in the analytics case. This visualization does not update if you later modify the analytics case.

  • fig: The plot to add the Plotly visualization.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

add3DSurface(String approxName, String xParamId, String yParamId, String zParamId, String title="SurfacePlot", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a 3D surface visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • approxName: The name of the approximation to be shown in the plot.
  • xParamId: The ID of the X parameter.
  • yParamId: The ID of the Y parameter.
  • zParamId: The ID of the Z parameter.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addApproxMeasure(String approxName, String outputParamId, Boolean showResidual=False, showActual=False, showHistogram=False, measuresType='validation', String title="APPROX_MEASURE", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds an approximation measure visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • outputParamId: The ID of the output parameter for which to show approximation measures.
  • showResidual: An optional Boolean determining if the Residual versus Predicted plot is included in the table.
  • showActual: An optional Boolean determining if the Actual versus Predicted plot is included in the table.
  • showHistogram: An optional Boolean determining if the residuals histogram is included in the table.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addApproximationTable(String approxName, String title="ApproximationTable", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds an approximation table visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addCapability(String mean, String stdDev, String minimum=None, String maximum=None, Boolean showConstraints=False, String title="CapabilityChart", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a capability plot visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • mean: The ID of a parameter containing the mean values to be displayed in the chart.
  • stdDev: The ID of a parameter containing the standard deviation values to be displayed in the chart.
  • minimum: An optional ID of a parameter containing the minimum values to be displayed in the chart. By default, it is set to None.
  • maximum: An optional ID of a parameter containing the maximum values to be displayed in the chart. By default, it is set to None.
  • showConstraints: An optional Boolean determining if constraints for the mean parameter will be shown on the plot.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addCoefficientTable(String approxName, String title="CoefficientTable", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a coefficient table visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addCorrelation(List columnParamIds, List rowParamIds, Boolean applyFilters=False, String title="CorrelationTable", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a correlation table visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • rowParamIDs: A list of parameter ID strings for the rows in the correlation table.
  • columnParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings for the columns in the correlation table.
  • applyFilters: An optional Boolean determining if filtered data should be used.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addCumulativeFrequency(String xParamId, Boolean showConstraints=False, Boolean showAsPercentage=False, Boolean applyFilters=True, String title="CumulativeFrequency", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a cumulative frequency visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to plot.
  • showConstraints: An optional Boolean determining if constraints will be shown on the plot.
  • showAsPercentage: An optional Boolean determining if plot values will be shown as percentages.
  • applyFilters: An optional Boolean determining if filtered data should be used.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addHistogram(String xParamId, Boolean showConstraints=False, Boolean showAsPercentage=False, Boolean applyFilters=True, String title="Histogram", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a histogram visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to plot.
  • showConstraints: An optional Boolean determining if constraints will be shown on the plot.
  • showAsPercentage: An optional Boolean determining if plot values will be shown as percentages.
  • applyFilters: An optional Boolean determining if filtered data should be used.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addImageViewer(String title="IMAGE_VIEWER", String description="", String tab=NONE)

This method adds a nominal effect visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • outputId: The ID of the output parameter for which nominal effects should be shown.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addNominalEffect(String approxName, String outputId, String title="NOMINALEFFECT", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a nominal effect visual to the Visual Analytics page.

  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • outputId: The ID of the output parameter for which nominal effects should be shown.
  • title: An optional string labeling the visualization.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visual will be added. By default, a new visual will be added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addObjectiveComparison(String alternatives='selected', String title="OBJECTIVE_COMPARISON", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds an objective comparison visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • alternatives: An optional string identifying what alternatives should be shown. Options are selected, basket, and recommended.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addParallelCoordinates(List xParamIds, String colorParamId=None, String title="PCP", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a parallel coordinates visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • xParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings to be plotted.
  • colorParamId: An optional ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addPareto(List factorParamIds, String responseParamId, hideInsignificantFactors=True, showAsPercentage=True, String title="Pareto", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a Pareto plot visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • factorParamIds: A list of ID strings for the input parameters.
  • responseParamId: The ID string for the output parameter.
  • hideInsignificantFactors: An optional Boolean determining if low-impact factors should be excluded from the plot.
  • showPercentage: An optional Boolean determining if results should be shown as percentage values.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addReliability(showAsPercentage=True, String title="ReliabilityTable", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a reliability visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • showAsPercentage: An optional Boolean determining if results should be shown as percentage values.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addResponseTable(String approxName, String title="APPROX_RESPONSE_TABLE", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a response table visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addScatter2D(String xParamId, String yParamId, String colorParamId=None, String sizeParamId=None, Boolean showConstraints=False, String title="ScatterPlot", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a Scatter 2D visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the X-axis.
  • yParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the Y-axis.
  • colorParamId: An optional ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • sizeParamId: An optional ID string for the parameter defining the size.
  • showConstraints: An optional Boolean determining if constraints will be shown on the plot.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addScatter3D(String xParamId, String yParamId, String zParamId, String colorParamId=None, String sizeParamId=None, String title="ScatterPlot3D", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a scatter 3D visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the X-axis.
  • yParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the Y-axis.
  • zParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the Z-axis.
  • colorParamId: An optional ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • sizeParamId: An optional ID string for the parameter defining the size.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addScatterMatrix(List xParamIds, String colorParamId=None, String title="MultiScatterMatrix", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a scatter matrix visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • xParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings.
  • colorParamId: An optional ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addScoreBreakdown(String alternatives='selected', String title="SCORE_BREAKDOWN", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a score breakdown visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • alternatives: An optional string identifying what alternatives should be shown. Options are selected, basket, and recommended.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

addSelfOrganizingMap(List mapParamIds, List calcExcludedParamIds=None, String bestSOMType='preserveTopology', Integer maxAlternativesSampled=2000, Number sigma=0.8, Boolean initPCA=False, Number gridSize=10, Number alpha=0.8, Integer maxIterations=10, Integer randomSeed=1234567891011, String title="SOM", String description="", String tab=None)

This method adds a self-organizing map visualization to the Visual Analytics page.

  • mapParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings.
  • calcExcludedParamIds: An optional list of parameter ID strings to be excluded during SOM calculation.
  • bestSomType: An optional string specifying the manner in which the best SOM should be selected. Options are 'preserveTopology' and 'maximizeResolutionFit'.
  • maxAlternativesSampled: An optional integer specifying the max number of alternatives to be sampled during SOM generation.
  • sigma: An optional number specifying the sigma parameter for SOM generation.
  • initPCA: An optional Boolean specifying if Principle Component Analysis should be used for initialization.
  • gridSize: An optional integer specifying the grid size of the SOM.
  • alpha: An optional number specifying the alpha parameter for SOM generation.
  • maxIterations: An optional integer specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed during SOM generation.
  • randomSeed: An optional integer specifying a random seed for fixing the stochastic elements of the SOM generation process.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: An optional string identifying the tab to which the new visualization will be added. By default, a new visualization is added to the last active tab.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly added visualization.

Visualization Update Methods

These methods all modify a single visualization in Visual Analytics, and all follow similar behavior.

The visualization must be identified by the id argument in the method and must be of an appropriate type. (for example, a 3D surface visualization must be modified using update3DSurface.) All other arguments are optional, with default values of empty strings being ignored.

Passing a value of None for any argument resets it to its default, if it had a default value (that is, it was an optional argument) in the corresponding 'add' method. The only exception to this rule is the 'tab' argument, for which there is no default value.

updateImageVisual(String id, Object fig='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method updates an image visualization. This visualization does not update if you later modify the analytics case.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • fig: A Pyplot figure object.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: An optional string describing the new visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updatePlotlyVisual(String id, Object fig=None, String title=None, String description=None, String tab=None)

This method updates a Plotly visual on the Visual Analytics page.

The Plotly visualization provides interactivity such as zoom and pan but does not modify the underlying data in the analytics case. This visual does not update when the analytics case is modified later.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • fig: A Plotly figure to replace the Plotly visualization.
  • title: A string labeling the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

update3DSurface(String id, String approxName='', String xParamId='', String yParamId='', String zParamId='', String title='', String tab=None)

This method modifies a 3D Surface visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • approxName: The name of the approximation to be shown in the plot.
  • xParamId: The ID of the X parameter.
  • yParamId: The ID of the Y parameter.
  • zParamId: The ID of the Z parameter.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateApproxMeasure(String id, String approxName='', String outputParamId='', Boolean showResidual='', showActual='', showHistogram='', measuresType='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies an approximation measure visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • outputParamId: The ID of the output parameter for which to show approximation measures.
  • showResidual: A Boolean determining if the Residual versus Predicted plot is included in the table.
  • showActual: A Boolean determining if the Actual versus Predicted plot is included in the table.
  • showHistogram: A Boolean determining if the residuals histogram is included in the table.
  • title: An optional string labeling the plot.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visualization should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateApproximationTable(String id, String approxName='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies an approximation table visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • title: A label for the plot.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visualization should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateCapability(String id, String mean='', String stdDev='', String minimum='', String maximum='', Boolean showConstraints='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a capability visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • mean: The ID of a parameter containing the mean values to be displayed in the chart.
  • stdDev: The ID of a parameter containing the standard deviation values to be displayed in the chart.
  • minimum: The ID of a parameter containing the minimum values to be displayed in the chart.
  • maximum: The ID of a parameter containing the maximum values to be displayed in the chart.
  • showConstraints: A Boolean determining if constraints for the mean parameter will be shown on the plot.
  • title: A label for the plot.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visualization should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateCoefficientTable(String id, String approxName='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a coefficient table visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateCorrelation(String id, List columnParamIds='', List rowParamIds='', Boolean applyFilters='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a correlation table visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • rowParamIDs: A list of parameter ID strings for the rows in the correlation table.
  • columnParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings for the columns in the correlation table.
  • applyFilters: A Boolean determining if filtered data should be used.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateCumulativeFrequency(String id, String xParamId='', Boolean showConstraints='', Boolean showAsPercentage='', Boolean applyFilters='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a cumulative frequency visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to plot.
  • showConstraints: A Boolean determining if constraints will be shown on the plot.
  • showAsPercentage: A Boolean determining if plot values will be shown as percentages.
  • applyFilters: A Boolean determining if filtered data should be used.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateHistogram(String id, String='', String='', Boolean showConstraints='', Boolean showAsPercentage='', Boolean applyFilters='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a histogram visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to plot.
  • showConstraints: A Boolean determining if constraints will be shown on the plot.
  • showAsPercentage: A Boolean determining if plot values will be shown as percentages.
  • applyFilters: A Boolean determining if filtered data should be used.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: An optional string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateImageViewer(String id, String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies an image viewer visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateNominalEffect(String id, String approxName='', String outputId='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a nominal effect visual on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • outputId: The ID of the output parameter for which nominal effects should be shown.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateObjectiveComparison(String id, String alternatives='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies an objective comparison visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • alternatives: A string identifying what alternatives should be shown. Options are 'selected', 'basket', and 'recommended'.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateParallelCoordinates(String id, List xParamIds='', String colorParamId='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a parallel coordinates visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • xParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings to be plotted.
  • colorParamId: The ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updatePareto(String id, List factorParamIds='', String responseParamId='', hideInsignificantFactors='', showAsPercentage='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a Pareto plot visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • factorParamIds: A list of ID strings for input parameters.
  • responseParamId: The ID string for the output parameter.
  • hideInsignificantFactors: A Boolean determining if low-impact factors should be excluded from the plot.
  • showPercentage: A Boolean determining if results should be shown as percentage values.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateReliability(String id, showAsPercentage='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a reliability visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • showAsPercentage: A Boolean determining if results should be shown as percentage values.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateResponseTable(String id, String approxName='', String title='', String description=None, String tab='')

This method modifies a response table visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • approxName: The name of the approximation for which errors should be displayed.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateScatter2D(String id, String xParamId='', String yParamId='', String colorParamId='', String sizeParamId='', Boolean showConstraints='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a scatter 2D visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the X-axis.
  • yParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the Y-axis.
  • colorParamId: The ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • sizeParamId: The ID string for the parameter defining the size.
  • showConstraints: A Boolean determining if constraints will be shown on the plot.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateScatter3D(String id, String xParamId='', String yParamId='', String zParamId='', String colorParamId='', String sizeParamId='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a scatter 3D visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • xParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the X-axis.
  • yParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the Y-axis.
  • zParamId: The ID string for the parameter to be plotted on the Z-axis.
  • colorParamId: The ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • sizeParamId: The ID string for the parameter defining the size.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateScatterMatrix(String id, List xParamIds='', String colorParamId='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a scatter matrix visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • xParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings.
  • colorParamId: An ID string for the parameter defining the color.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateScoreBreakdown(String id, String alternatives='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a score breakdown visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • alternatives: A string identifying what alternatives should be shown. Options are 'selected', 'basket', and 'recommended'.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visual should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.

updateSelfOrganizingMap(String id, List mapParamIds='', List calcExcludedParamIds='', String bestSOMType='', Integer maxAlternativesSampled='', Number sigma='', Boolean initPCA='', Number gridSize='', Number alpha='', Integer maxIterations='', Integer randomSeed='', String title='', String description=None, String tab=None)

This method modifies a self-organizing map visualization on the Visual Analytics page.

  • id: A unique alphanumeric string identifying the visualization.
  • mapParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings.
  • calcExcludedParamIds: A list of parameter ID strings to be excluded during SOM calculation.
  • bestSomType: A string specifying the manner in which the best SOM should be selected. Options are 'preserveTopology' and 'maximizeResolutionFit'.
  • maxAlternativesSampled: An integer specifying the max number of alternatives to be sampled during SOM generation.
  • sigma: A number specifying the sigma parameter for SOM generation.
  • initPCA: A Boolean specifying if Principal Component Analysis should be used for initialization.
  • gridSize: An integer specifying the grid size of the SOM.
  • alpha: A number specifying the alpha parameter for SOM generation.
  • maxIterations: An integer specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed during SOM generation.
  • randomSeed: An integer specifying a random seed for fixing the stochastic elements of the SOM generation process.
  • title: A label for the visualization.
  • description: A string describing the visualization.
  • tab: A string identifying the tab in which the visualization should be located.
Return Value
Returns an object describing the newly updated visualization.